Take Control of Field Conditions & Play Ball when the Rain Stops
with Genuine THOR Brand Field Covers!

 Seatbelt Webbing Reinforced Hems
with Grab-Loops at 10' Centers
Material Name: DuraShield 8000 SBW ThoroShield 1350 SBW
Reinforcement: 4-ply
woven poly
Nylon tire
cord mesh
Size: 55#'s
per msf
per msf
Color: White/Silver White/
Olive Drab
Standard Sizes:Click here for sideline covers...
Custom Size: 
Length: ft
Width: ft
*** ***

Protect your athletic tarp from harsh UV degradation while rolled up on the side of the field!
Part # Description Unit Price  
33-9-00 4' diameter x 20' long White DuraShield 8000 Athletic Field Cover Tarpaulin
12 mil, 4-ply UVI stabilized protective polyethylene cover for stored field covers; quonset shaped
87-9-00 4' diameter x 20' long White DuraShield 1300 FR Athletic Field Cover Tarpaulin
13 oz/sy fire retardant, UVI stabilized, polyester tire cord reinforced, laminated vinyl cover for stored field covers; quonset shaped

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Manufacturer's Recommendations for storage and use:

  1. Procure a 2' to 3' diameter black plastic drain pipe to use as a core to store the field cover on
  2. Select an area where the tarp will be kept; generally along the 3rd base line just past 3rd base against the fence/wall
  3. Keep the field cover tarp covered at all times when not in use w/ a custom fit UV stabilized 3-D cover tarpaulin
  4. Deploy the tarp by first rolling it "off the core" and into the field
  5. Make sure the heat sealed seams that join the tarp's panels run in the direction of pull
    (perpendicular to the direction of roll)
  6. Use enough manpower to avoid stressing the edge of the tarp: many hands make light work
  7. Use sand bags as necessary around the perimeter to keep the edge of the field cover from peeling back in high winds
  8. Be sure to broom or squeegee the rain water off the tarp before attempting to retrieve it
  9. Fold it back towards the outfield in 1/2 and in 1/2 again until it is the width of your core
  10. Place the core on the cover at the far end of the field and re-roll towards the sideline
  11. Recover with the storage tarpaulin